It’s an art thing…
So you may be wondering...what exactly is we.? As an artist, “we.” curator, Pat Milbery, has found that the mural festivals and large-scale art events he has been part of in the past don't always foster collaboration and connection with his fellow artists, despite being great experiences. Most of the time, especially when artists fly in for a festival, they spend all of their time painting (sometimes frantically) before heading onto the next project. There's little time to observe fellow artists at their work, explore the area the event is being held in or even just relax and hang with friends and peers.
So we. want to create something different! Over the course of the week, two artists will collaborate on one wall as a way to celebrate and merge their individual styles, creating unique pieces of public art not seen anywhere else. By pairing together local, national and international artists from different backgrounds and with different artistic styles, the curation of each artist and artist pairing is intentional and designed to put artists together who might not ever have had the chance to work together.
We have worked closely with the building owners who are generously donating their wall space and identified what artists they would like to work with and subject matter they would like to see. This method ensures that all parties involved take ownership in the process and fosters true creative collaboration across the board.
While our goal originally was to have 20 artists on 10 walls, COVID had other we. (along with the Sand City Art Council) decided to move forward with two separate events, one in Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 to allow our international artists (who we are so excited to work with) ample time and flexibility to be able to travel for the event.
That's a short and sweet introduction to we. Please check back over the next few months for more updates and be sure to follow us on Instagram (@we.createart).